遡ること約1300年、日本寺は聖武天皇の勅願により、行基(ぎょうき 奈良時代の僧)によって神亀2年(725年)に開かれたそうです。日本寺は初めは法相宗、天台宗、真言宗を経て、江戸幕府三代将軍徳川家光の治世に曹洞宗となりました。

The sango is Kenkon-zan.
About 1300 years ago, Nihon-ji temple was created by imperial order of the Emperor SHOMU and high priest Bodhisattva GYOKI founded it in 725. At first Nihon-ji temple was the HOSSO Sect, Then converted to the TENDAI Sect, the SHINGON Sect, and under the reign of lemitsu, the third Tokugawa shogun, converted to SOTO Zen Sect. Once this temple consisted of seven shrine, twelve monastic houses, and one hundred lodges for priests. It is said ROBEN, KUKAI and ENNIN practiced here. In addition, a big cycad in the precincts was planted personally by MINAMOTO NO YORITOMO to wish the good fortune of revival at Nihon-ji Temple. It is called a Yoritomo sotetus and it is over eight hundred years old. Nihon-ji temple has gone through various incidents and has been showing us its long history together with the beautiful natural surrounding.


拝観料:大人 700円 小人(4-12歳)400円

拝観時間:9:00 ~ 16:00 (最終入場 15:00)
